UAZ America

Your source for UAZ sales, parts, and information in the USA!

Current Listings

Vehicles that are currently available to Americans, we try to update this list weekly. More vehicles are also available. Please contact us here for more information. Most of our vehicles are sources from local websites and sources, due to this fact we cannot reserve any of these vehicles until they are payed for and there is no gurantee on how long they will last on the local car market.

We can also fully restore the vehicle to customer specifications prior to exportation, for an example quote please click here.

Note for Canadians: Due to the fact that Canadians can legally import vehicles a decade newer than Americans can, many more vehicles are available for our Canadian customers.

1968 GAZ 69 $5900

1977 GAZ 69 $6700

1995 UAZ 469 $5500

1996 UAZ 469 $5500

1989 UAZ 469 $3700

1998 UAZ 452 $1200

1997 Lada Niva $2800

1999 Lada Niva $3400